Modern approaches of rehabilitation in COPD patients
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) presents a significant challenge to public health, impairing the quality of life for affected individuals. Traditionally, the management of COPD primarily involved pharmacological interventions and symptom management, but a shift towards comprehensive rehabilitation programs has been observed in recent times. This study focuses on exploring these modern approaches to COPD rehabilitation, including exercise training, education, psychosocial support, and self-management strategies. By emphasizing patient-centered and multidisciplinary methodologies, modern rehabilitation approaches aim to address the individual needs of COPD patients. Previous studies affirm the positive impacts of these comprehensive programs, including improved exercise capacity, reduced symptoms, and enhanced overall well-being. This current investigation aims to further analyze the effects of various pulmonary rehabilitation methods on COPD management within a modern medical context. By critically evaluating literature and research databases like SCOPUS, PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library, this study seeks to provide unique insights into the efficacy and benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD patients. The implications of this research could contribute significantly to evidence-based practices, assisting healthcare professionals in optimizing the selection and implementation of pulmonary rehabilitation interventions for improved patient outcomes.
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