Recruitment Microcirculatory - Mitochondrial through a permissive systemic perfusion pressure combats microcirculatory - mitochondrial distress syndrome. Cases report
multiorgan organs dysfunction syndrome, extracorporeal life support organization, mitochondrial distress syndromeAbstract
Systemic Perfusion Pressure, SPP disorders cause ischemia of the affected microcirculation with critical mitochondrial damage, manifested by a hypercarbia pCO2 AV > 6 mm Hg. Thus, pCO2 has become an alarm signal, used as a marker of ischemia in terminal states with the generation of microcirculatory-mitochondrial distress syndrome, MMDS, and the installation of multiorgan organs dysfunction syndrome, MODS. Definition of SPP (~ 70 mm Hg), there is a difference between mean arterial pressure, MAP (90 mm Hg), and capillary resistance pressure, CRP (20 mm Hg) [1]. According to Maria Vasilieva's study [2,3], a tear can be a diagnostic test for various diseases. CRP in the practice of the doctor on duty can be compared with intraocular pressure, by the Kalmakov method, except for oculist glaucoma, consultation of which is essential for examining the fundus in these patients. Permissive optimization of perfusion pressure through Microcirculatory - Mitochondrial recruitment, MMR reduces the AV gap < 6 mm Hg, thus reducing MMDS. Mitochondria promote energy homeostasis by improving the functions of biosystems and pauses the expansion of MODS. Maintaining permissive SPP in critically terminal states in daily emergency clinical practice contributed to their survival [1-5]. Thus, the decisive success of Multi-organ Supportive Therapy (MOST) in Extracorporeal Life Support Organizations (ELSO) has perfusion pressure.
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