The Mental Health of Young Brazilians and its Correlation with Substance Abuse


  • Marlon Martins Spath Silva Kursk State Medical University, Charisma University
  • Dr Ghassan Salibi Charisma University
  • Prof Nikolaos Tzenios Charisma University



Adolescent mental health, Substance abuse, Brazil, Psychoactive substances, Coping mechanisms


Background: The mental health of adolescents in Brazil is influenced by a complex interplay of social, familial, and academic pressures. The transitional period from childhood to adulthood introduces significant challenges, which some adolescents attempt to navigate through the use of psychoactive substances. This coping mechanism can adversely affect their mental health, leading to increased vulnerabilities to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Methods and Materials: This research utilized a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data collection. The study involved literature reviews, statistical analyses of existing health records, and structured interviews with healthcare professionals and adolescents. Various regions across Brazil were included to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the urban and suburban contrasts in adolescent mental health and drug use dynamics.

Results: The findings indicated that drug use among adolescents often serves as a maladaptive strategy to cope with emotional and social stressors. Key determinants of substance use included academic stress, lack of familial support, and the need for social belonging. The psychosocial impacts of substance use were profound, exacerbating conditions like anxiety and depression, and hindering adolescents' social and academic development.

Conclusion: Addressing the mental health issues of Brazilian adolescents requires a multifaceted approach that involves families, educational institutions, and healthcare providers. Prevention and intervention strategies must focus on strengthening familial support, enhancing coping mechanisms, and providing accessible mental health resources. Public policies need to support these initiatives by integrating mental health services within school and community settings to foster a supportive environment for youth development.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. M., Salibi, G., & Tzenios, N. (2024). The Mental Health of Young Brazilians and its Correlation with Substance Abuse. Special Journal of the Medical Academy and Other Life Sciences., 2(5).

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