Uncovering the Neglected Meal: Medical Students in Sri Lanka and Skipping Meals
healthy eating patternsAbstract
Background: To figure out why a lot of students who are at risk for food insecurity consistently skip meals in university, this research follows the daily food travels of those students. to find the reasons for skipping meals.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyse how a daily routine of a medical student of Sri Lanka, affects their eating patterns.
Design/ methodology/Approach- A Survey study was implemented using convenient sampling technique where 170 questionnaires were distributed through google forms from which 148 responses were obtained. To test the hypothesis, Cronbach alpha and correlation analysis IBM SPSS 21.0 package was utilized.
Findings- This article analyses how a daily routine of a medical student of Sri Lanka affects their eating patterns. The findings demonstrate that university lecture schedules, stress, depression, and loneliness are making students skip at least one of the main meals daily. The authors’ research shows that frequently skipped meals of the students is breakfast.
Conclusion- This research provides information to medical university administrations, families, and friends. Therefore, university administration, families and other students may take required decision regarding the quality of life of medical students based on their university lecture schedules, stress, depression, and loneliness. This research study contributes significantly to this aspect telling universities and families the substantial requirement for stress and time management these days to generate a healthy eating pattern.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Roshelle Nirusha Hemantraj , Dr.Ghassan Salibi, Professor Nikolaos Tzenios

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