The Power of Psyche, Self-berating As a Form of Self-restoration




Self-berating, Self-restoration, Guilt, Societal expectations, Mental health


Background: Self-berating, often seen as a negative behavior, is paradoxically used by some individuals as a means of self-restoration. This phenomenon involves a range of behaviors where individuals inflict harm upon themselves, both mentally and physically, as a response to guilt, societal pressures, and a need for self-improvement. This study explores the underlying motivations, mechanisms, and outcomes of self-berating as a form of self-restoration, aiming to understand its role in personal growth and mental health.

Methods and Material: A comprehensive literature review was conducted, analyzing reports, studies, and articles related to self-harm, self-berating, and self-restoration. Data was collected from various psychological, sociological, and medical sources, focusing on both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Personal observations and interviews with individuals who engage in self-berating behaviors provided additional insights. The study also examined the role of societal and cultural influences on these behaviors.

Results: The findings indicate that self-berating is often driven by a complex interplay of guilt, societal expectations, and personal desire for improvement. Individuals who engage in self-berating report temporary relief from emotional distress and a sense of control over their lives. However, the long-term effects are typically negative, leading to decreased self-esteem, chronic mental health issues, and in severe cases, physical harm. The study also found significant cultural and religious influences that shape the perception and acceptance of self-berating behaviors.

Conclusion: While self-berating can provide temporary emotional relief and a perceived sense of control, it is ultimately a detrimental practice with long-lasting negative effects on mental health. Understanding the motivations behind self-berating and its impact is crucial for developing effective interventions. Future research should focus on alternative, healthier methods of self-restoration and coping mechanisms, and on the role of societal change in reducing the prevalence of self-harm behaviors.


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How to Cite

Jammal , Z., Salibi , G., & Tzenios, T. (2024). The Power of Psyche, Self-berating As a Form of Self-restoration. Special Journal of the Medical Academy and Other Life Sciences., 2(5).

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