Finances of healthcare around the globe and its outcomes


  • Kshitij Prakash Korekar Charisma University, Kursk State Medical University
  • Dr.Ghassan Salibi Charisma University



Healthcare Financing, Global Healthcare, Healthcare Services


The research aim of this article is to comprehend how healthcare systems are financed globally and how that affects patient outcomes. The project's objective is to explore various financial models used to cover healthcare services in different countries and the effects these models have on accessibility and care quality. Analyzing numerous research materials for this study will involve reviewing financial reports, governmental legislation, academic studies, and statistical data. The project's goals include analyzing health funding models in-depth, connecting health outcomes to financial models, and determining variables that influence financial success.

The project's objectives are to develop a knowledge base that stakeholders may utilize to better understand the global healthcare funding system and to provide recommendations for enhancing healthcare funding systems. The essay also studies healthcare spending in various nations in 2019, 2020, and 2021, noting the variations in healthcare coverage between nations.


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How to Cite

Korekar, K. P., & Salibi, D. (2023). Finances of healthcare around the globe and its outcomes. Special Journal of the Medical Academy and Other Life Sciences., 1(5).

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