Enhancing Diabetes Management Education in Community Health Centers: Empowering Patients and Improving Health Outcomes.


  • Nzwisisai Faith Muzenda Kursk State Medical University, Charisma University
  • Dr. Ghassan Salibi Charisma University
  • Prof Nikolaos Tzenios Charisma University  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6679-2296




Healthcare Provider Training, Diabetes Management, Community Health Education, Patient Self-Management, Culturally Sensitive Care


Background: Diabetes poses significant public health challenges globally, with South Africa experiencing high prevalence rates, particularly in underserved regions. The lack of tailored diabetes management programs in community health centers (CHCs) exacerbates poor health outcomes and increases healthcare costs.

Methods and Materials: This project aimed to enhance diabetes management education at Pholela Community Health Centre in Durban, South Africa, through comprehensive educational interventions and healthcare provider training. Culturally sensitive educational materials were developed and delivered in multiple languages, targeting patient self-management and healthcare provider competence.

Results : The intervention led to a 20% increase in the proportion of diabetic patients achieving target HbA1c levels within one year. Healthcare providers showed improved proficiency in delivering culturally sensitive, evidence-based diabetes care. Patient education workshops and peer support groups significantly improved patient knowledge and self-management practices.

Conclusion: The project successfully addressed critical gaps in diabetes education and care at Pholela CHC, resulting in improved patient outcomes and enhanced healthcare practices. Continued community engagement and resource allocation are essential for sustaining these improvements and reducing the disease burden in underserved populations.



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How to Cite

Muzenda, N., Salibi, G., & Tzenios, N. (2024). Enhancing Diabetes Management Education in Community Health Centers: Empowering Patients and Improving Health Outcomes. Special Journal of the Medical Academy and Other Life Sciences., 2(7). https://doi.org/10.58676/sjmas.v2i7.83